Exhibition at the Fernsehturm Berlin

What makeup artists pay attention to

The challenge of depicting skin realistically

Essentially, natural depiction of the skin is one of the most difficult jobs of a makeup artist. This is because of how we are used to seeing others. We see people every day: big, thin, old, young people with oily skin, pimples, injuries, scars, etc. We know how somebody looks, and it is not easy to deceive our vision. Even as a layman, for example, I often know right away if someone across from me is wearing a wig. This is just one small example of a complex topic.

Makeup artist's materials

Materials are subjected to constant change. New product innovations and modern techniques (like 4K displays) for film and television require the constant adjustment of plastic and cosmetic materials. Modern makeup artists make frequent use of silicone, a product that feels very similar to human skin. Makeup artists‘ materials are generally quite costly, with expensive special tools on top of that. There is a special tool for every surface structure when modelling skin and wounds.